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photo of Krauss

Werner Krauss

Dr. phil. Cultural Anthropology
artec Sustainability Research Center
University of Bremen
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 7
D-28359 Bremen

As a cultural anthropologist, my current research and writing is mostly about the anthropology of climate change, with a special focus on climate discourse, the role of climate science, and on the emergence of renewable energies. These topics evolved from my long-term interest in human-environment relationships, political ecology, (post-)environmental theory, the anthropology of landscape, nature conservation, science & technology studies and multi-sited ethnography. I have conducted fieldwork in the Swiss Alps, in the South of Portugal (Alentejo), in Northern Germany and Texas on topics such as environmental conflicts, national parks, nature conservation, the emergence of renewable energies, climate change and climate science.

Other topics of interest are cultural studies, gender studies and the anthropology of sport. As an anthropologist, I feel at home in different academic communities; I have worked in many interdiscplinary fields with natural scientists, geographers, sociologists, Germanic and European studies and others.

My teaching covers a wide range of topics such as anthropological theory, political ecology, European Studies, climate change, human-animal relationships, or sports and globalization. From 2009 to 2015, I was one of the editors of the weblog Die Klimazwiebel, where we wrote about climate change at the interface of science, politics and society. In 2019, I was a co-founder of Klimamarkt Ammerland, a local initiative for climate protection and a climate-friendly future.