Research Projects and Co-Operations

Rewrite – Rewilding and Restoration of intertidal sediment ecosystems for carbon sequestration, climate adaptation and biodiversity support. (Eu-horizon project)
Climateurope 2 – Supporting and Standardizing Climate Services in Europe and Beyond.
(Call: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D1-01 – Climate Science and responses)
Logo of the CoCliServ projectCoCliServ – Co-development of place-based climate services for action (ERA4CS; JPI)
Towards a wilder Europe? An analysis of the sociospatial and cultural effects of new methods of promoting, protecting and managing wilderness in Europe. Institut d'Etudes Européenes et Globales – Alliance Europa. Joint project: Université de Nantes, Université de Poitiers, University of Stavanger, Universität Giessen and University of Bremen.
Consultant BMBF Projekt: Klima Regional – Soziale Transformationsprozesse für Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München und Universität Ausgsburg
International Research Project “Éoliennes et paysage: la politique éolienne entre politique de l’environnement et politique de paysage” (Wind Turbines and Landscape). CIRED, France; University of Bremen, Germany; Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
“Ethnologie der Küstenforschung” (Anthropology of Coastal Research). Funded by: GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, Germany
International Co-Operation „Ecological Governance“, organised by Christelle Gramaglia / Bruno Latour, École des Mines, Paris (funded by: CNS)
“Bilder der Flut – Bilderfluten. Medienanalyse der Elbeflut“ (Flood of Images – Images of the Flood: Media Analysis of the River Elbe Floodings’). Funded by: GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, Germany
Interdisciplinary Project “Nature in Conflict: Nature Conservation, Nature Protection and Coastal Images” University of Hamburg; Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte, Göttingen; GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht; University of South Denmark. Funded by: Volkswagen Foundation. Research Project: “Lebenswelten und Naturverständnis der Küstenbewohner” (Lebenswelten and Nature Conceptions of Coastal Inhabitants)
EU-Project “Observa – Sociedade, Ambiente e Opinao Pública”. (Society, Environment and Public Opinion) (Ministério do Ambiente, Portugal; ISCTE Lisbon; University of Hamburg)
Research Project: “Poetas do Sudoeste” (Poets of Southwest Portugal
