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Organization of Conferences, Workshops & Panels

München (mit Christoph Antweiler) "Das Anthropozän erden – Geoanthropologie verleiht unsicherem Wissen Bodenhaftung". Roundtable auf der Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (DGSKA) "Umstrittenes Wissen – Contested Knowledge".
Lissabon (mit Franz Krause, Sandro Simon, Nora Horisberger, Benoit Ivars (all University of Cologne)) "Wet horizons: Hydro-social re-articulations in the Anthropocene", EASA conference.
Westerstede (mit BUND Ammerland) Workshop "Klimamarkt im Ammerland". Berichte: "Erster Klimamarkt im Ammerland" und "Erste Ideen für eine klimafreundliche Stadt".
Dangast (mit Birgit Gerksenmaier und Insa Meinke) Workshop "Klimawandel am Jadebusen: Globale Fragen, lokale Antworten"
Workshop (with Silke Beck, Oliver Geden und Hans von Storch) in Hamburg, 29.–30. November: "Quo vadis, Klimakatastrophe? Die Zukunft des Klimawandels in der Gesellschaft."
Panel with Heather Lazrus and Sarah Strauss, Association of American Anthropologists (AAA) in San Francisco "The view from grassroots to grids: the AAA global climate change task force presents insights on climate change from below", November 16
Panel (with Kenneth Olwig) at Conference PECSRL (Permanent European Conference on the Study of Rural Lansdscapes) Conference in Leeuwarden/Terschelling: "Of People and Thing: The Landschaft Polities of the Wadden Sea"
Panel at Conference of EASA (Nanterres University, France, 12.7.) Uncertain futures: the cultural dynamics of energy transition (with Ana Isabel Afonso & Dorle Dracklé)
(Hamburg, May 11) "CO2 in Perspective". Interdisciplinary Workshop, KlimaCampus Hamburg & Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht (with Anita Engels).
(Hamburg, May 4–6) Workshop "Postnormal Science: the Case of Climate Science", CliSAP Hamburg, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht (with Hans von Storch, Mike S. Schäfer, Holger Braun-Thürmann and Dennis Bray)
"Making Europe, Making Europeans: The Ethnographic and the Everyday" – International Conference, Center for European Studies, University of Texas at Austin (with Ben Carrington)
DAAD Lecture Series: "Kalt Bier, Gut Bratwurst: Texan-German Cultures", University of Texas, Dept of Germanic Studies (with Hans Boas)
DAAD Lecture Series: "Visits from the Others' Sides: Alterities in Germany and Texas", University of Texas, Dept of Germanic Studies
Co-organiser Workshop "Tides of Change", Research Centre GKSS, Landscape Research Group, Nordic Landscape Research Network, Tönning, Germany
(with Martin Döring) Panel New Ontologies: Exploring the Anthroposphere at the 6th Open Meeting: Global Environmental Change, Globalisation and International Security for the 21st Century, Bonn.
Organization of Lecture Series "Soccer Culture – The Culture of Soccer", University of Hamburg (with Martin Döring)

Invited Lectures, Workshops and Presentations

2023 Nantes
"Narratives of change (WP3)". Kick-off meeting REWRITE
2023 Bergen
"Weather and Infrastructure: The Flax Road." Patterning our seasonal cultures Calendar-Symposium.
2023 München
"Einführung in: Das Anthropozän erden – Geoanthropologie verleiht unsicherem Wissen Bodenhaftung". Roundtable auf der Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (DGSKA) "Umstrittenes Wissen – Contested Knowledge" (mit Christoph Antweiler)
2023 Marburg
"Klimawandel mit Bodenhaftung: Landschaften im Anthropozän". Aufzeichnung des Vortrags im Podcast zum Studium Generale "Anthropocene Matters".
2022 Lecce
"Policy support for climate services (WP5)". Kick-off meeting climateurope2.
2022 München (online)
Ethnographic research on climate services. Seminar Fiona Kinniburgh, TUM.
2022 Dangast
"Die Halbinsel der Seligen. Ist Dangast noch ein Küstenort?" Radziwill Haus.
2022 Westerstede
Eröffnung des 3. Klimamarktes / Klimamarkt Ammerland
2022 Göttingen
Place-based narratives of change. Lecture and workshop, Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Göttingen ENLIGHT
Engaging with Climate Change: Local Views of Challenges Global Engagement Module
2021 Bremen (online)
The Anthropocene as practice. DGSKA-Tagung Welten. Zonen. Atmosphären. Seismographien des Anthropozän.
2021 Bonn (online)
Ein Klima des Zusammenhalts? - Wissenschaft und gesellschaftliches Miteinander im Kontext der Klimadebatte. Jahrestagung des Cusanuswerks.
2021 Norfolk, Virginia (online)
Discussant session "Converging Crises: Anthropology at the Intersection of Extraction, Climate, and COVID-19"
2021 Bremen (online)
"Klimaleugner, Klimaskeptiker und die Neue Rechte." Naturfreundejugend Bremen.
2021 Bremen (online)
"Im Treibhaus des Kapitals: Ethnologie im Anthropozän." Public Climate School, Students for Future, Universität Bremen.
2020 Lissabon (online)
Tidal Flat Sediments and Sentiments in the Anthropocene. EASA conference
2019 Bremen
"Das bewegte Meer: Klimaschutz und Klimademokratie an der deutschen Nordseeküste". Public Climate School – Students for Future.
2019 Lund
Climate skeptics and the rise of right-wing parties: a field report from the blogosphere. Conference "Political ecologies of the far-right". Lecture as PDF file (103 KB)
2019 Westerstede
"Klimaschutz braucht Klimademokratie". Impulsvortrag auf dem "Klimamarkt im Ammerland".
2019 Köln
Writing climate change. Delta Workshop IV: Stories that matter: exploring (re)presentation and communication of hydrosocial research
2019 Konstanz
Die Gezeiten sind nicht verhandelbar. DGKSA Konferenz "Grenzen der Aushandlung?"
2019 Sheffield
(mit Anna-Katharina Wöbse) "Re-wilding beyond control: Historical and current debates on wilderness in Germany" Opportunities and Issues in Rewilding Conference, Sheffield Hamman University
2019 Dangast
"Globaler Klimawandel – lokale Antworten" Eröffnungsvortrag Workshop "Klimawandel am Jadebusen"
2019 Würzburg/LWG Veitshöchsheim
Podiumskdiskussion "Die Folgen des Klimawandels".
2019 Freising
"Climate change as discourse and practice in coastal landscapes", Invited lecture, Studienfakultät Forstwirtschaft und Resourcenmanagement, Weihenstephan
2019 Potsdam
"Anthropology, climate change and integrated science: A critical appraisal", IASS.
2019 Lübeck
Roundtable "Zeitdimensionen der Nachhaltigkeit" (Universität Lüneburg)
2019 Wolnzach
"Schlaf – Wandel: Eine bizarre Geschichte der Globalisierung", Vortrag zur Ausstellung "São Teotônio nã dorme" (Barbara Wimmer)
2018 Barcelona
Narratives of Change and the Prospects of Climate Services. PNS Symposium.
2018 München
Climate Change: Rethinking Science, Risk Perception and Impacts. Plenary discussion. (Um)Weltschmerz Konferenz.
2018 Stockholm
Where does the land end and the sea begin? EASA conference.
2017 Charleston, South Carolina
"50 Shades of Green: Environmental Policy in Germany". University of Charleston, Dept of Germanic and Russian Studies.
2016 Matrei (Osttirol)
"Grenzwerte: Die Alpen und der Klimawandel". Matreier Gespräche (Otto König Gesellschaft).
2016 Zürich (per skype)
"Online-Wissenschaftskommunikation: Die Klimablogosphäre." Institut für Publizistikwissenschaft und Medienforschung, Universität Zürich.
2016 München
"Extension of the combat zone: Anthropology of climate blogs." Luchtalk, Rachel Carson Center.
2016 Innsbruck/Seefeld
"Contested Alpine grazing landscapes: A perspective from post-war Swiss folklore studies". PECSRL Conference "Mountains, uplands, lowlands. European landscapes from an altitudinal perspective".
2016 Hamburg
"Alle Wetter! Rhetorik, Kultur und Politik der Klimakrise". Vorlesungsreihe "Krisen", HafenCityUniversität.
2016 Heidelberg
"Navigators of the contemporary: Why anthropology matters" Podiumsdiskussion "How digital and environmental humanities research reshape the world".
2016 Köln
"Teilnehmende Beobachtung 'zuhause'". Clustervorlesungsreihe "Teilnehmende Beobachtung in einer globalisierten Welt".
2016 Amersfoort, NL
"Narratives of Change", UC4A Network Meeting.
2015 Köln
"Vom Sediment zum Sentiment: Die Landschaft der Dinge". Workshop "Pathos und Poiesis: Latour vs. Simondon oder über den ontologischen Status technischer Objekte." a.r.t.e.s. Graduate school for the humanities.
2015 Gut Siggen/Holstein
"Glanz und Elend interdisziplinärer Forschung". Tagung "Metatagung" (A. Toepfer Stftung, org. von Kathrin Passig und Hanna Engelmeier).
2015 Lüneburg
(discussant) De/Coding Climate Change Workshop
2015 Bremen
"Vom Natur- zum Klimaschutz: Dingpolitik an der Nordseeküste." NaturesCultures Lab, Bremen.
2015 Windsor, UK
"From Realpolitik to Dingpolitik: The political ecology of an emerging climate change landscape." Bruno Latour & Environmental Governance Workshop.
2014 Washington D.C.
"Applied Climate Research: Coastal Landscapes, Regional Climate Services and the Role of Anthropology". Annual Conference of American Anthropological Association (AAA)
2014 Tallinn
"The climate trap: the dangerous relationship between climate research and politics". Institutskolloquium, Dept of Social & Cultural Anthropology
2014 Hamburg
"Transformation kommunizieren?" Workshop des Transformationsclusters der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
2014 Dortmund
(mit Ramona Lenz, Sarah Weber und Constance von Rueden) "Can the Postdoc speak? Machtspiele in den Grauzonen von Drittmittelprojekten." Konferenz der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung
2014 Aberdeen
(invit. discussant) Workshop: Vanishing Ice: Inquiring about the past and acting for the future in the European Alps and the Arctic. Univ. of Aberdeen, Dept of Social Anthropology.
2014 Hamburg
(invit. discussant) "Sozialwissenschaftliche Klimaforschung – quo vadis?" Ein Workshop der Integrated Activity "Understanding Science in Interaction". clisap
2014 Budapest
(keynote) "The climate trap: the role of social sciences in climate research." Graduate conference, Central European University.
2014 Austin
(with Dorle Dracklé) "Contested energy transition: Energiewende in Germany." Annual Meeting Society for economic Anthropology
2014 Göttingen
Die Klimafalle: Ethnologie und Klimaforschung. Institutskolloquium, Institut für Ethnologie
2014 Hamburg
Ethnologische Feldforschung: Methoden. Institutskolloquium, Institut für Soziologie.
2013 Chicago
Invited discussant, Roundtable "Evolving adaptation to climate change", AAA Global Climate Change Task Force, Conference American Anthropological Association (AAA)
2013 Mainz
"Die Klimafalle: Klimaforschung, kollaborative Ethnologie und politische Intervention." Tagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde.
2013 Bremen
"Writing climate: a multi-sited and collaborative approach." Workshop "Denaturalizing climate change", Universität Bremen, artec.
2013 München
Wem gehört das Klima? Zur Ethnographie des Klimawandels. Konferenz "Klima von unten".
2013 Hamburg
Ethnologie und Klimawandel: Ein Forschungsbericht. Ethnologisches Kolloquium, Institut für Ethologie, Universität Hamburg.
2012 San Francisco
From nature conservation to climate governance: the political ecology of the German North Sea coastline. Annual Conference of the American Antthroplogical Association
2012 Leeuwarden
"Global climate change and the political ecology of the Wadden Sea landscape", PECSRL (Permanent European Conference on the Study of Rural Lansdscapes) Conference
2012 Bielefeld
invited discussant "Objects and their management"; Workshop "How do you manage? Unravelling the situated practice of environmental management." ZiF Bielefeld.
2012 New York
"The political landscape of the energy transformation in Germany", Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers (AAG)
2011 Kopenhagen
"Anthropology of climate change", Uni Aalborg, techno-anthropology program
2011 Aalborg
"Anthropology of climate change", Uni Aalborg, techno-anthropology program
2011 Montreal
(with Dorle Dracklé) "Anthropology of the German energy transition". Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association
2011 Victoria B.C.
"Making Climate public: the view from anthropology". Workshop "Exploring Regional Climate Services", University of Victoria, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht
2011 Hamburg
"An anthropological roadmap for the Anthropocene"; Symposium "Limits to the Anthropocene", KlimaCampus Hamburg.
2011 Bielefeld
(chair and discussant) "Climate change, the anthropocene and actor-network-theory" "Conference Climate – Global Scenarios and Local Experiences".
2011 Lissabon
"Science on the digital market place: the role of gossip" (roundtable organizer). Workshop "Science in a digital society", Joint Research Center, EU
2011 Hamburg
(keynote) "Postnormal climate science: the view from anthropology". Public Debate "Climate science in a democratic society", KlimaCampus and Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht.
2011 Lissabon
(with Dorle Dracklé) "The greening of the southwestern coast of Portugal", Societé International de Ethnologie et de Folklore (SCIEF)
2011 Perpignan/Gerona
(mit Dorle Dracklé) Infrastructures of German Wind Power Landscape. International conference "Landscapes of everyday life Intersecting perspectives on research and action."
2011 Lissabon
Invited discussant at international workshop "Reconciliation in the climate debate". Joint Research Centre, EU
2010 New Orleans
(with Dorle Dracklé) "The Discovery of the Wind – Two Unrelated Ethnographies." Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association.
2010 Hamburg
"From the Lisbon Earthquake to Hurricane Katrina: Science, Catastrophes and Popular Culture" (PDF file). Conference "Storm Surges", Exzellenzentrum CliSAP der Universität Hamburg; Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht; LOICZ (Land Ocean Interaction in Coastal Zones)
2010 Austin
"Unfolding Climate Change: Ethnography in the Greenhouse." Department for Germanic Studies
2010 Montreal
"Climate Change and European Landscapes: A Model for the Rest of the World?" CES Council of European Studies Conference
2009 Paris
"Aesthetic Pollution? Wind Energy and the Ambiguous Role of Landscape in Germany"; CIRED; Landscape and Wind Power
2009 Philadelphia
"Emerging Energy Landscapes in Europe", Organizer Roundtable, Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association (AAA)
2009 Philadelphia
"Climate Change: Making the Air-Conditions Explicit", Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association (AAA)
2009 Arlington
"Teaching in the USA", German Studies Association (GSA) – DAAD session
2009 Austin
"Using Wiki in Class"; Germanic Studies, Departmental Lecture
2009 Austin
"Elections in Hobbitland." Public Forum Deutsche Bundestagswahl (UT, Department of Germanic Studies)
2009 Bremen
"Wind Energy from Bottom-up. The German Case." Workshop of the "Emerging Energy Landscapes Project" (CIRED Paris, University of Bremen, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
2009 Las Vegas
"Our Air-Condition", Panel "Aerographies", Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers (AAG)
2009 Austin
"Localizing Climate Change: Notes from the Field", Symposium "Weather Patterns: Climate, Culture and Place Making".
2008 Dresden
"Risiken der Klimakommunikation", Ringvorlesung Dresdner Hygiene Museum
2008 Lissabon
"History of Wind Energy in Germany", Workshop: Éoliennes et Paysage CIRED, France
2008 Austin
Organizer of international European Studies Conference ‘Making Europe, Making Europeans. The Ethnographic and the Everyday.’ Center for European Studies, University of Texas (together with Ben Carrington)
2007 Washington
“Locating Climate Change” Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association
2007 Paris
“Tracing Assemblies in a Windy Landscape”. Conference “Emerging Energies, Emerging Landscapes”, CRES, France
2007 Austin
(with Judith Hammer) “Relaxed Patriotism. Reflections on the Soccer World Cup 2006 in Germany” Lecture Series, Department of Germanic Studies
2006 San Jose
“Climate Change and Catastrophe: a Comparative Approach to German and American Narratives in the Media”. Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association (AAA)
2006 Pittsburgh
“EU Enlargement: What Lessons can be Learned from Portugal’s Accession Process?’ Roundtable, Germanic Studies Association (GSA)
2006 Paris
“Wind Energy and Landscape: A Methodological Approach” Workshop: Éoliennes et Paysage CIRED, France
2006 Tönning
“The Construction of a Coastal Landcape.” Workshop ‘Tides of Change’, Research Centre GKSS, Landscape Research Group, Nordic Landscape Research Network
2005 Brighton
"Migratory Birds and Migratory Scientists: Multi-Sited Ethnography of a German Coastline." Workshop "Problems and Possibilities in Multi-Sited Ethnography," University of Sussex, UK, 27.–28. Juni
2005 Lund
"The Greening of the Wadden Sea." Nordic Landscape Research Conference "What do Landscapes do?," Sweden, 13.–15. 5.
2005 Austin
"The North Sea is a Livelihood for Fishermen and not a Playground for Researchers:" Anthropology of a Contested Coastal Landscape in Northern Germany." Lecture Series "Landscape and Mentality", DAAD und Department of Germanic Studies
2004 Amsterdam
"Mediated Realities: Sustainable Development and Local Protest" (mit D. Dracklé). Konferenz "Transnational Aspects of Localized Conflict and Protest," 19.–21.12.
2004 Paris
"Nomadic Scientists, shifting fields and multi-sited ethnography: Exploring global change." 4S & EASST Conference 25.–28. August
2004 Göttingen
"Die Wunder von Bern und anderswo." IWF Göttingen, Veranstaltung "50 Jahre Wunder von Bern," 4.7.
2004 Tönning
"Die Kultur der Natur: Feldforschung beim Stamm der Naturschützer." Nationalparkamt, 15. 9.
2004 München
"Ethnography of Foam – Peter Sloterdijk's Concept of Spheres." Workshop "Research Program on Ecological Governance" (CNRS-France), 8.–9. 10
2004 Stockholm
"Global Change, Catastrophes, and Contested Coastlines: Why Landscape Matters." Nordic Research Course, 26. 4.
2004 Paris
"The environment of my fieldwork site." Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation, École des Mines, Workshop: "Research Program on Ecological Governance" (CNRS-France), 02.03.
2003 Paris
"Ecological Governance – A Comparative Approach." Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation, École des Mines, Workshop: "Research Program on Ecological Governance" (CNRS-France), 19.6.
2003 Nijmegen
"Beyond Facts & Fiction: Media Representation of the Elbe River Flood of August 2002," Zentrum für Deutschland-Studien, Universität Nijmegen, Kongress: "The Science and the Politics of the Riverside," Holland 11.6.
2003 Jülich
"Die Verwaltung der Natur: Naturschutz als bürokratisches Experiment" (mit Cordula Kropp). Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Frühjahrstagung Sektion "Soziologie & Ökologie" "Nature by Design: Experiment and Innovation," 16.–17.5.2003
2003 Oslo
"The Natural and Cultural Heritage in Northern Friesland" Center for Advanced Studies, Workshop: "Landscape, Law, and Justice: Cultural and Natural Heritage," 22.4.–24.4.2003
2003 Seoul
"Towards Sustainable Development: The Cultural Dynamics of the Wadden Sea." F.A.S.S. Korea-Germany Co-Symposium on the Saemangeum Tidal-Flat Region (CIES – Citizens' Institute f. Environmental Studies, Nationalparkamt Tönning), Südkorea, 4.–6. März
2003 Lüneburg
"Medienanalyse des Elbehochwassers im August 2002." BmBF / GKSS Forschungszentrum "Hochwasser in Deutschland – Forschungsbeiträge für ein nachhaltiges Management," 30.–31. Januar
2002 Ostholstein
"Analyse der Medienberichterstattung zur Elbeflut." GKSS Inst. f Küstenforschung, Institutslehrgang Weißenhäuser Strand, 11.–14. 11. 2002
2002 Hamburg
"Science-Studies: Küstenforschung zwischen Natur- und Kulturwissenschaften." Forschungskolloquium Inst. f. Ethnologie, 8. Juli
2002 Göttingen
"Der Konflikt zwischen Naturschutz und Küstenschutz: Deiche und kulturelle Identität." Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte, Tagung "Deiche," 20.–21. Juni
2002 Miami, USA
"The Cultural Dimensions of the Coast," Discussant. LOICZ – Land Ocean Interaction in Coastal Zones, Tagung "Synthesis & Futures," 29.Mai bis 3.Juni
2002 Hamburg
"Natur im Konflikt – Naturschutz, Naturbegriff und Küstenbilder," GKSS Tagung "Forschungshorizonte der Küstenregion," 13.–15.Februar
2002 Tönning
"Globaler ökologischer Diskurs und lokale Praxis: Die Konflikte um das Wattenmeer im Kulturvergleich." VW-Projekt Natur im Konflikt, Tagung "Nähe und Ferne zur Natur," 18.1.–19.1.
2001 Hamburg
"Männer über Männer, Männer über Frauen: Ethnographische und literarische Betrachtungen zu Männlichkeiten in Portugal." Ringvorlesung "Männer," 25.01
2001 Göttingen
"The Scientific Production of Nature: A Case Study." IUAES – Congress "Exploitation and Overexploitation in Societies Past and Present," 18–21 July
2001 Amsterdam
"Nature in Conflict: The Societal Role of the Natural Sciences" (Poster). IGBP Global Change Open Science Conference, 10-13 Juli
2001 Hamburg
"Natur im Konflikt: Naturschutz, Naturbegriff und Küstenbilder." Forschungskolloquium Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Hamburg, 2. Juli
2001 Hamburg
"Neues von der Front: Berichterstattung über Natur(schutz)konflikte" (mit M. Döring). Tagung "Stadt – Raum – Natur: Die Metropole als politisch konstruierter Raum," Forschungsverbund Metropole Hamburg, 15./16.6.
2001 Edinburgh
"The Culture of Nature: Protected Landscapes as Sites of Conflict." Conference "Landscape and Politics," University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 23rd–25th March
2000 Hamburg
"Der Klimawissenschaftler als Prophet" (mit M. Döring). 5. Deutsche Klimatagung, Hamburg, 3.–5.10.
2000 Krakow
"German Miracles – Football, Nation and Identity." EASA Kongress, September
1999/2000 Hamburg
Organisation der Vorlesungsreihe "Fußballkultur – Kultur des Fußballs" (mit Martin Döring) im Rahmen des Allgemeinen Vorlesungswesens der Universität Hamburg (Lecture Series: Soccer Culture – The Culture of Soccer)
1999 Hamburg
"Natur, Kultur und Gesellschaft: Zur Ethnologie der Umweltproblematik." Tagung Inst. F. Ethnologie, Juni
1999 Manchester
"Of Humans and Otters: Portuguese Landscapes." Workshop "Contesting Natures." Mai
1999 Hamburg
"Von Spielerfrauen und Heulsusen: Männlichkeitskonzepte im Fußball." Ringvorlesung "Fußball und Kultur," Januar
1998 Hamburg
"Ethnologie einer Küstenlandschaft an einem Beispiel aus Südportugal." Ringvorlesung "Küstenbilder." Dezember
1998 Lissabon
"Poetas do Sudoeste." Tagung ISCTE, OBSERV: "Etnografia do Sudoeste." März
1998 Frankfurt
"Tales of Otters and People: The Rhetoric of Nature." EASA Kongress, Sept.
1997 Hamburg
"Die Kultur der Natur: Ökotopia." Ringvorlesung "Science Fiction und Utopien." Juli
1995 Wien
"Wir wollen nicht in einem Indianerreservat leben! Umweltkonflikte in Portugal." DGV Tagung Wien, Sept.
1995 Hamburg
"Umwelt und Entwicklung in Portugal seit 1986." Katholische Mission. Februar
1993 St. Augustin
"Ökologischer Diskurs und Umweltkonflikte." Tagung "Europäische Ethnologie," Juni
